5 Fatal Mistakes That Could End Your Business

5 Fatal Mistakes That Could End Your Business
5 Fatal Mistakes That Could End Your Business.
The extended period of isolation and lockdowns can significantly reduce your customer base. Some will be lured away by quicker competitors, while others will find cheaper alternatives. Here are five common mistakes businesses make and how to avoid them.

1. You've Stopped Engaging on Social Media

If your business has slowed down or is on pause, that's no excuse to abandon your social media accounts. Now more than ever, social media is your primary way to connect with existing and potential customers. Use this time to engage with double the energy.

If you're still offering services like contactless delivery, explain how it works. Let your customers know you're taking care of your team’s health and providing them with masks and sanitizers. Also, highlight any special offers like discounts or vouchers that can be used when things return to normal.

Remember, social media is about communication. Ask your followers what products or services they'd like to see, introduce your team, or host live sessions and fun challenges. For example, cafes can offer cooking classes, and gyms can hold fitness challenges. This interaction will help grow your community and keep customers loyal.

2. You're Making Customers Wait

Imagine you're looking to buy a product available from two stores. Prices are nearly the same, but one store takes days to respond to your delivery questions, while the other replies within an hour and even offers you a discount code. Which store would you choose?

Make sure customers have multiple ways to reach you—phone, website chat, social media, or messaging apps. While you can't be available 24/7, aim to respond quickly during business hours. Ideally, get back to customers within an hour. If you need more time, inform them and give an estimated response window.

3. You're Not Focused on Customer Service Quality

Bad customer service can scare off buyers instantly. If a customer contacts you, they’re already interested in purchasing, but something is holding them back. It’s your job to figure out what that is and help them decide. For example, provide additional product details or explain how discounts work.

You can improve by recording customer calls (with permission) to review them later. This can help identify mistakes, like giving short, unhelpful answers or being too pushy. Balance is key—show you're eager to help without overwhelming them with constant offers.

To guide the conversation, ask open-ended questions that encourage customers to share their thoughts. This will help you understand their concerns and move them closer to making a purchase.

4. You're Not Analyzing Your Call Data

Customer calls typically fall into two categories: targeted and general. Targeted calls are from people who are ready to buy but need more information. General calls, like inquiries about services you don’t offer, won’t result in a sale.

If you're getting a lot of general calls, your advertising might be sending the wrong message. Focus on improving your targeted calls by figuring out the common questions and concerns customers have. Tailor your website and social media content to address these issues.

Also, if you're not available to take calls on weekends, don't be surprised if sales drop. Customers want to reach you when it's convenient for them, so adjust your schedule to match the busiest times.

5. You're Cutting Costs on the Best Channels

Stopping all promotions may save you money in the short term, but it could harm your business in the long run. When the tough times pass, you'll need to spend even more to remind customers you exist.

Instead, identify which communication channels are driving the most sales. A general rule is: the cheaper it is to get a new customer, the better the channel. Tools like call tracking can help, but if you’re on a tight budget, use unique discount codes or separate phone numbers for each ad platform to track which ones work best.

While cutting back on advertising might seem like an easy way to save money, it's worth investing in the channels that bring the highest return.

By avoiding these common mistakes, you'll put your business in a better position to survive challenging times and thrive when things get back to normal.

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