How to Start a Home Business: 6 Tips and 5 Cool Ideas

How to Start a Home Business: 6 Tips and 5 Cool Ideas
How to Start a Home Business: 6 Tips and 5 Cool Ideas.
By starting your own business in your own home, you can save a lot on rent and, for starters, combine business with your main job. And you'll still have time to invest in a fancy office - if things go well.

Borneotribun Tekno has already talked about ideas for additional income that can grow into a full-fledged home business. In this article, we offer several more effective ways to start your own business, using your own apartment as a launch pad.

What to Consider When Planning to Open a Home Business

Even a home-based business requires considered decisions, accounting, and planning. If, of course, you are focused on results. Here are some recommendations that are worth listening to.

1. Choose something you are good at or know how to do

Given the minimal budget, you will most likely be the main workforce. And if you do need an assistant with specific skills, you should immediately understand how good the person is at what he or she does.

2. Remember that a zero investment business is a myth

Yes, you save on rent. But you will still have to invest money: in developing your professional skills, equipment and consumables, advertising, promoting your business on Instagram* and other social networks.

3. Analyze the market

Let's say you are a genius at knitting and would like this activity to bring you money. Find out how things are with the demand for handmade in your city, study the products of competitors. Perhaps it is worth focusing on foreign buyers right away and mastering sales through eBay.

4. Write a business plan

You don't need to explain to investors why they should invest in your business, because you are your own investor. However, it is necessary to sketch out a business plan at least in general terms. This will help you understand what you are aiming for, determine the cost of your goods or services, and set financial goals.

5. Set yourself up for a small income at first

Beginners are not trusted too much. Often, the only way to attract the first clients is to dump. That is, offer prices significantly lower than the market. Consider this as a necessary fee for gaining experience and a stable flow of orders. But include in the business plan the time frame for reaching self-sufficiency. After all, you are doing business, not charity.

6. Consider legalization

In Russia, many home-based businessmen operate illegally. This means that they do not register their business, do not pay taxes, and do not comply with other rules prescribed by the state. It is believed that government agencies are not interested in such small fish, so you can work like this for a very long time.

This is not true. The tax service has long mastered social networks through which businessmen advertise their goods and services, and can come to you with a test purchase. If your little business secret is no longer a secret, you will have to compensate the shortfall to the Russian budget. In addition, you can be fined for illegal business activity or even imprisoned if you earned a lot or caused damage to someone.

You have several options:

  • Fill out a tax return annually and pay 13% on personal income.
  • Becoming self-employed legally.
  • Register as an individual entrepreneur.
  • Do not formalize anything and enter into a civil law agreement with the organizations with which you cooperate.
Much depends on the type of activity. To avoid problems, you will have to read the laws or consult a lawyer who will guide you through the regulations and orders. Various nuances may emerge in the process. For example, it is prohibited to place production facilities in residential premises. Some activities require mandatory licensing, others require notification of Rospotrebnadzor.

Of course, there is always the option of working illegally, but here you act at your own risk. And you remain vulnerable to anyone dissatisfied with your affairs, who can complain to the relevant authorities. Weigh your decision three times.

What home business to open

1. Sewing bed linen

Main expenses: sewing machine, fabric.

You can sew anything at home. But sewing underwear does not require high skill. To produce a competitive product, you just need perseverance, quality fabrics and a good sewing machine.

Where and to whom to sell bed linen? Look for clients on social networks , Avito and on hotel websites. In addition to ready-made sets, offer custom tailoring services: to suit the interior of the room and the size of the bed.

What other options are there?

Sewing bed linen is not the only kind of handicraft you can do at home. If you like knitting, embroidery, making jewelry, wood burning, etc., this can be a promising occupation.

2. Sewing clothes for dogs

Main expenses: sewing machine, fabrics, accessories.

Sewing clothes for dogs is a more painstaking and delicate job than making sheets. In addition, you need to understand the breeds and their parameters.

In addition to coats and dresses, you can sew carriers for cats and small dogs, as well as soft houses for animals. The main distribution methods are through pet stores and on your Instagram page*.

What other options are there?

Loving owners pay a lot of attention to their pets and are willing to spend money on them. So consider other animal-related options. You can make designer leashes and collars, engrave address tags, walk dogs while their owners are at work. Think from the problem: what needs do animal lovers have. If no one but you can help with them, this will bring in profit.

3. Cleaning services

Main expenses: cleaning equipment, cleaning and detergents, own transport.

In this case, you can only take orders at home. Everything else happens on the road. The advantage of this business is that you do not need to undergo special training. However, you will have to spend time choosing effective cleaning products and learning various cleaning tricks - from cleaning mirrors without streaks to removing rust.

It is better to start with servicing small apartments and offices nearby. Here is the minimum set recommended for high-quality cleaning of a small space:
  • Vacuum cleaner.
  • Steam cleaner.
  • Rotary machine for cleaning carpet surfaces.
  • Window cleaning equipment.
  • Mops, brooms.
  • Washcloths, sponges, scrapers, rags for washing floors.
  • Cleaning cart with trash bag.
Cleaning supermarkets and industrial facilities will require more serious and expensive equipment. But even at the initial stages, you will not be able to do without personal transport to transport inventory and reach more clients per day.

What other options are there?

Cleaning is a service from the series “I can do it myself, but I’d rather pay”. Accordingly, it will be in demand among those who value their time more than money. Think about what routine work you could do instead of these people. For example, ironing shirts for a person with a strict dress code at work.

4. Accounting services

Main expenses: training (if you don’t have the necessary education), computer, subscription to specialized periodicals.

Many companies today hire freelancers for accounting. This is beneficial for everyone: the company saves on salaries, and the freelancer can manage several projects in parallel. Ideally, a freelance accountant should have a specialized higher or secondary specialized education.

Don't rush into the deep end. Start gradually, experience in this matter is very important. Regardless of the level, accountants need to closely monitor what is happening in the legislation. They are helped in this by subscribing to specialized periodicals, where official texts of laws are published, all current changes with expert comments, explanations on controversial issues.

What other options are there?

By analogy, you can do anything that requires a computer and does not require personal presence. Design, copywriting, PR support - there are many options.

5. Tutoring

Basic expenses: depends on the item - zero or small.

You don't have to be a certified teacher to teach other people something. It's enough to have in-demand skills and knowledge that people are willing to pay for. Of course, it will be much easier to find clients if you, say, help schoolchildren get ready for the Unified State Exam. But if you're an excellent sewer or a professional guitar player, there will be people willing to help too.

Look for them on websites that aggregate similar services. And in some cases, it is enough to post ads on local bulletin boards.

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